
Community Information: General Site Rules

For Aesthetics and Statutes click on the link below ( please ensure you are logged in before clicking this link)


Article 1. Obligations of good neighbourhood

Article 2. Pets

Article 3. Rules for Swimming Pool Areas

Article 4. Rules for Garden Areas

Article 5. Refuse collection, waste, household goods and clothing

Article 6. Security, vehicles and parking

Article 7. Works or elements affecting the Private Aesthetics

Article 8. Works in Private Elements

Article 9. Own risk Civil Penalties, Administrative and Judicial Actions.

Article 10. Procedures for reform and adaptation of agreement.

Explanatory memorandum

The need to regulate the use and enjoyment of common areas and services, along with the magnitude dimensional "Condado de Alhama Golf Resort", and the high number of owners and families make it necessary for the adoption of basic standards governing the coexistence and proper use and enjoyment of those elements and Complex common services.

These rules have been developed in accordance with The Level 1 Statutes. And are issued to compliment and clarify the Statutes.

The adoption of these standards must be carried out by the General Board of Proprietors.

These rules are binding to:

- All Owners and Persons with which they coexist

- Authorised Tenant

- Persons occupying properties with Owners Permission.

- Guests and Visitors

They should be secured at all times to Rules and resolutions adopted by the General Board of Proprietors. In the case of owners who ignore these rules, and do not respect these obligations, the General Board of Proprietors. may act under the provisions of the Horizontal Property Act Law 49/1960 ( 21 July) Article 7

Article 1 Obligations of good neighbourhood

The obligations of any owner, lessee, user, guest and in general for all people making use of common area’s and services.

a). Respect the general facilities of the Complex and other common elements, making appropriate use of them at all times and avoidinginjury and damage

b). Keep in a good condition own housing and attachments, andlocality as appropriate, as well as their custodial facilities Preventing damage, or injury to other owners. Must compensate for damages caused by their own neglect or for persons they are responsible for.

c). Consent to his house, annexes or local the necessary easements required for the repair of services or common elements, as well as creating new ones, so having the entitlement that the resort will compensate them for any damages.

d). Observe due care in the use of services and facilities and their relationships with the other owners, and to account for violations and damage

e). Respect silence in the night, avoiding activities that disturb between24.00 h hand 08.00 h.

Article 2. Pets

i) General

"Besides the content contained in Statues Level 2, (art. 5 bis C about the specific prohibition of potentially dangerous animal possession and other dispositions) Owners who have Dogs,

Cats or other Pets on the Complex are subject to the following:

ii) Dogs

a) All dogs must have microchip implantation and be licensed and registered with the Property Management Company of Condado de Alhama complex.

b) Rabies vaccination is mandatory for dogs, cats and ferrets. Dogs or cats must be in possessionof the relevant health certification.

c) Wear a collar bearing the name and address of their owner at all times.

d) Dogs must always be kept under control, they must be kept on a leash (Maximum 4 metresand 2m for dangerous dogs) in gardens, streets and public areas, by a person who is capable of controlling them.

e) Avoid dogs doing their physical needs in gardens, communal areas of the complex as well as in other private housing, clean up bags are provided at various stations within the complex

f) The owner must prevent the dog barking at all times. Dogs must be indoors at night after dark and when owners are absent

g) The entry or stay of dogs inside the pool area and children’s play area is strictly forbidden except for guide dogs

h) Walking dogs on unbuilt sites and through golf course common areas is not encouraged and at owner’s risk

i) Abandoned and stray dogs must be reported to Security. You can also email


According to Spanish law and in accordance with Royal Decree 287/2002 implementing law 50/1999, the following dog breeds are regarded as dangerous: Pit Bull & American & Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Argentine Dogo, Brazilian Mastiff, TosaInu, Akita Inu, Dogs showing certain features can likewise be considered as included in such a list.

Dangerous breeds require a special licence and must be registered at Alhama de Murcia Town Hall. Also, owners will require special permission from the Administrator to have such dog in the complex. When walking this type of dog, and those expressly considered dangerous by agreement of the Homeowners Meeting, in the Complex it must be muzzled and an owner cannot walk more than one, they must be kept on a leash (Maximum 2 metres). This rule will be monitored and if above average incidents may have to be revised.

iii) CATS.

f) All cats must have microchip implantation, wear identity collar bearing the name and address of their owner at all times.

g) Cat owners are encouraged to keep their cats within the owner’s boundary at all times and on a leash if being walked.

h) Avoid these cats doing their physical needs in gardens, communal areas of the complex as well as in other private housing, clean up bags are provided at various stations within the complex

i) The owner must prevent their cat miaowing especially at night after dark and when owners are absent and be kept indoors at night

j) The entry or stay of cats inside the pool area is strictly forbidden

k) It is expressly forbidden to feed stray cats that wander around the complex. Under the guidance of Caroline Jones, a system was introduced; - TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release). There is a need for a feral cat population, this helps to reduce the number of vermin that we encounter due to our location in the campo. It is a donation led organisation that relies 100% on the generosity of the owners on Condado. or


The Board, in addition to imposing appropriate sanctions for breach of these rules, will notify

the municipal services for the collection of animals that do not meet those requirements.

Article 3. Rules for swimming pool areas.

The safety of users of the pool is the responsibility of the individual, Parents / Guardians are responsible for children under 12 in their care. Given the risks to Persons health and safety, Swimming Pools and adjacent areas are common facilities that require special attention by the users and the community therefore the following rules apply:

a). All users of the pool MUST use the shower before swimming.

b). Babies must wear swim nappies at all times.

c). Children under 12 years must always be accompanied by an adult.

d). All bathers are obliged to wear appropriate swimwear

e). Swimming Aids are permitted


a). No Topless bathing

b). No Inflatables permitted in July & August

c). No Ball Games in perimeter of the pool.

d). No Animals and pets

e). No Use of glass, glass bottles, and dishes.

f). No Barbeques (or large gatherings with food- parties)

g). No Dangerous games in the Pool.

h). No Smoking.

i). No Excessive noise (Stereo headphones should be used)

j). No Sun beds left overnight

k) No Use of sunshades on grass areas that penetrate the ground

Pool open hours are 09:00 h – 23:00 h, respecting the maintenance works of the pools.

Article 4. Rules for Garden Areas.

a) Barbecues are prohibited in Gardens and Common areas except for special occasions with express permission of the President and the Administrator.

b) People must respect trees and plants.

c) Football and other sports that may damage decorative and ornamental elements are prohibited.

Article 5. Refuse collection, waste, household goods and clothing.

For the correct operation of these services, avoiding a disruption that will result in odour problems and unsanitary conditions, in addition to lack of aesthetics, it shall meet the following standards:

a) The garbage shall be deposited in containers provided, and enclosed in plastic bags or other similar system.

b) Residues and waste must be deposited in the appropriate container,depending on the type of material. It being forbidden to deposit it in different containers.

c) Litter bins must not be used for household garbage bags.

d) The household collection service is provided on a scheduled basis, so the resident who wants to get rid of furniture or any other goods must inform the administrator. The administrator must be informed about the type of goods and size, and also the address of the owner. Later the administrator will inform to the owner about the day, hour and place of the collection. In this way, it is prohibited to deposit belongings or furniture in areas of common use. Likewise, it is prohibited to deposit on the containers or beside them, unless given the nature and volume, this is the place indicated by the company providing the service.

e) The remains of pruning may be placed inside the trash containers. However, not large amounts of debris at once. Also, it must be deposited in bundles to occupy the lowest possible volume in the container. The board is able to change the time and frequency of service, in response to the needs of the Neighborhood.

Article 6. Security, vehicles and parking

a) Owners are prohibited from parking of any vehicle outside of areasfor that purpose.

b) When a house is assigned a Parking space which is numbered, noother vehicle should use that space without the owner’s permission.

c) Marked Disabled Parking spaces must only be used by DisableIdentified Vehicle

d) Visitors and employees must park their vehicles in designated areas.

e) It is obligatory to observe the traffic signals

f) Washing the vehicles in common areas is forbidden

Article 7. Works or elements affecting the Private Aesthetics

All actions relating to works and aesthetic modifications are contained in:

a) Statutes Level 1, Article 9.

b) Statutes Level 2, Article 5 B.

c) The General Meeting Minutes of May 30, 2008.

d) Amendments adopted by the Board of Proprietors of the community.

Article 8 Works in Private Elements

Any community member, who needs to deposit materials on the interior roads and/or streets to work, must have permission from the Administrator before starting the work. And pay 300 € deposit which is refunded when work complete and areas restored to original condition. If area is left damaged or dirty the deposit is forfeited and the money used to repair the damage. When the repairs costs are more expensive than the funds, the owner will have to pay the difference. Materials may be deposited in the road / street but must comply for safety reasons with the following requirements:

a). The deposit must be free of sidewalks, without hinder for the transit of pedestrians

b) The area where the deposit is made, must be limited with fencing

c) Reflective signs must be placed at night for proper signalling of the existence of the materials.

d) The materials must be covered with plastic material during the hours without work, thus avoiding the drag of the material in case of rain or wind.

The administrator or any member of the Board will monitor compliance with these requirements and be able to provide guidelines for the proper performance Works and elements that affect the Aesthetics of the Urbanisation are only permitted within the current Aesthetic rules.

Article 9. Own risk Civil Penalties, Administrative and Judicial Actions.

The breach of these rules will instigate the procedure if appropriate, without prejudice to the liability that could be incurred by the infringer, and the penalties that may impose administrative authority in the field of competence.

If the offender despite being required persists in his conduct, the President, at the next General Meeting to be held, shall ask the rest of co-owners approval to exercise the prosecution, and the authorization for the granting of powers for solicitors and barristers.

Article 10. Procedures for reform and adaptation of agreement.

The modification and / or expansion of these rules must be approved by the Board of Owners, and requires a simple majority.

Condado de Alhama a 28 de Mayo de 2011

General Site Rules
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