
Community Information: Golf Society

The Condado Golf society has been running for 8 years and was formed with the purpose of allowing people residing on Condado to play in competitive competitions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at a reduced green fee.

The society was formed to allow like minded player to meet also allowing single players to play in groups with other members.

The society now attracts over 650 members each year.

You can join the society on a Monday or Wednesday after the singles competition or at the Clover Bar in the Al Kasar on a Wednesday night between 7pm & 8pm the initial fee is 20 euros with every other year after being 5 euros.

A 2 euro competition entry is taken for each event and all monies raised are given repaid back into the society.

Once a member entering competitions is by the web based system called masterscoreboard, through or by attending in person Wednesday evening.

The society has a website and Facebook

If you are interested in joining the society contact or call into the Clover on Wednesday evening between 7pm & 8pm

Golf Society
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Web developement by Mediaelx