
Community Information: Alicante

Alicante-Elche airport is in the region of Valencia and is approximately 1hr15m from Condado de Alhama by car.

Location of Alicante airport

Driving directions to Condado de Alhama

Public transport

Transport from the airport to Condado de Alhama is limited, but there is a bus running on a regular frequency from the airport to the city of Murcia. You an pay for this at the airport and costs around 5e or visit the ALSA bus website to book and check times. ALSA BUS

You can also look at train options. The train station is located approximate 10Km from the airport. From Alicante train station you can book trains to Alhama de Murcia which is the closest train station to Condado de Alhama. To check train times you can visit the RENFE train website

Download: DrivingdirectionstoCondadoCopy.pdf

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