
News: Liberty Generali - Community insurance

Liberty Generali - Community insurance
25 May 2024 - Alan Burge

As a result of the recent tender process, and after analysing the quotes received from several insurance companies in detail, the insurance committee and the Management Board of the Community have decided to appoint Generali/Liberty as our insurance company for the community for 2024/5

The cost of the insurance has increased significantly due to the number of incident claims in the last few years, with some companies only offering cover under onerous conditions or unwilling to provide cover for Condado de Alhama.

The policy with Liberty/Generali only covers communal elements and not private properties, as approved in the insurance protocol at the recent Annual General Meetings. All owners are informed so that they carry ensure that they take out the correct private policies for their property as this WILL NOT be covered by the community. Full details of the policy will follow when it becomes available in English and Spanish.

If you have any insurance claims or problems, please send an email to

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