
News: Security - Update on crimes on Condado

Security - Update on crimes on Condado
25 May 2024 - La Isla President

The youth who has been charged with a number of burglaries on Condado is still awaiting trial however he moved off La Isla at the end of April. Last week he tried to gain entry to Condado by hiding in a vehicle but security staff saw him and escorted him off the resort. On the advice of the police, Irene Curtis, Chair of the Security Committee, will next week be applying for a restraining order to prevent him accessing Condado. If this is granted by a judge and he tries to enter the resort again, then he will be able to be detained by security and the police will be able to arrest him for a breach of a court order, which is considered a serious offence. If anyone suspects that they have seen this youth on the resort, then please contact security immediately.

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