
News: Jardines II - Bike racks

Jardines II - Bike racks
25 Jun 2024 - Web Master

Dear Jardines II homeowners,

We are pleased to inform you that, at the request of the Jardines II Board, two bike racks have been installed in Jardines 9 and 12.

The first one is located in front of the block of apartments closest to the perimeter wall, west side. The second one has been placed behind the entrance wall to the garden, between 12 and 13, east side.

Please be informed that these bike racks have been installed on a temporary basis for the owners to evaluate their actual need and convenience in order to vote this item at the next Annual General Meeting 2025. If so, additional units will be installed in other areas of Jardines II.

Below you can find pictures of the installed units duly marked.

Jardín 9

Jardín 12

The Jardines II Board of Directors thanks you in advance for your opinions, sent by mail to

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