
News: Traffic issues

Traffic issues
29 Jul 2024 - Web Master

Dear Residents,

Drink Driving - You may be aware that the local police have been visiting Condado recently to conduct test on drivers for alcohol. You are reminded that the roads on Condado are public roads and so offences of drink driving will be dealt with by the police if identified. Please do NOT drink and drive or you will have to face the consequences, which could be very serious if it results in an accident.

Speeding – this is a persistent problem on Condado and unfortunately the pilot for restructuring part of the roadway to reduce speeds was not supported at this year’s AGM. The security committee is looking at alternative options however it is the personal responsibility of every driver not to exceed the 30kph speed limit on Condado. Security staff have warned a number of drivers in the last few months and if there are ‘repeat offenders’ they will be sharing the details with the local police.

Vehicle removal by police - There have been a number of vehicles removed from Condado by the local police and, we would just like to remind you that some of the offences for which a vehicle may be immobilised or removed are as follows:

- The vehicle lacks compulsory insurance.

- The vehicle is parked in the same place for a period of more than 30 days and has damage that prevents circulation.

For this reason, we encourage you to make sure that all the papers of your vehicle are in order and that your vehicle is in good condition and does not show signs of abandonment, to avoid it being removed.

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