
News: A plea to parents

A plea to parents
7 Aug 2024 - Security Committee

Some parts of Condado are suffering with problems with large groups of youngsters gathering near to residential areas in the early hours of the morning and behaving inconsiderately towards their neighbours, screaming and shouting etc. If you have children who are out at this time, please read the following message from the Security Committee.

A Plea to Parents: Ensuring Our Children's Evening Activities Promote a Peaceful Community

Dear parents,

We need to address a matter of growing concern within our community. Recently, there have been increasing reports of groups of young people gathering on the streets late into the night and early morning hours. These gatherings, which occur mostly in the Jardines areas, regularly lead to disturbances that affect the peace and well-being of neighbours.

Some of the young people involved have been as young as 8-10 years old and there have been groups of up to 60 people. Security are spending a lot of time dealing with these you people but due to the fact that the young people are committing no offences by just meeting up in the street, then security have no powers to do anything other than ask them to move on to another area further away from the residential gardens.

While we understand the importance of social interaction for young people, it is crucial to recognise that the lack of appropriate venues for these gatherings does not justify the disruption of our community’s tranquility. As parents, we bear a significant responsibility in guiding our children’s choices and ensuring their activities do not negatively impact others.

We understand the diverse background and culture of holiday makers visiting Condado in the summer, but to mitigate the issues highlighted you are urged to consider the following measures:

1. Curfews and Supervision: Establish clear curfews and ensure your children adhere to them. Regularly check in on their whereabouts and activities during the evening hours.

2. Constructive Alternatives: Encourage participation in organized activities or hobbies that can provide a structured environment for socializing. Consider collaborating with other parents to create safe, supervised spaces for your children and their friends.

3. Open Communication: Discuss the importance of respect and consideration for others with your children. Make them aware of how their actions can affect the entire community.

4. Community Involvement: Get involved in community efforts to address this issue. Your participation may lead to the development of more appropriate venues and activities for our young people.

By taking these steps, we can work together to ensure our children have opportunities for healthy social interactions while maintaining the peace and harmony of our community. Let us strive to be proactive and responsible, setting a positive example for our children to follow.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Security Committee

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