

7 Aug 2024 - Web Master

Yesterday water began to be received from the desalination plant that is being poured into the ornamental lake. Around 11,500 cubic meters will be received, corresponding to the quota for the month of August taking into account the restrictions. The supply will be completed on Thursday afternoon, approximately, and will result in an increase in the level of about 12-15 centimeters considering evaporation.

Unless the restrictions are lifted during the month of August, which is not planned, it will not be possible to supply water from the desalination plant to the ornamental lake again until September. The quota for September and the coming months will be used entirely for the ornamental lake.

Why is it being done now and not before?

Previously, the water from the desalination plant was used exclusively to irrigate the inner ring because it was the only water resource we had, and as has been explained in other reports it was not enough (INFORMATION ON IRRIGATION WATER AND ORNAMENTAL LAKE (, although there is also a contribution of water to irrigate from the treatment plant, it is very small and still insufficient. The difference between this month and the previous ones is that we have an additional supply provided by the City Council of Alhama, which will be used exclusively for the irrigation of the Resort, enough to cover the water needs of this month. The installation of this supply was carried out in July, but the July quota of water from the desalination plant had already been used for irrigation. With this additional supply, it has been possible to increase the frequency of irrigation to alleviate and try to improve the current situation (Irrigation Note (

In addition, and although it is not very significant, this month they have slightly reduced restrictions. In previous months, 9,500-10,000 cubic meters were available and this month about 11,500 cubic meters will be available.

Actions in the short, medium and long term in the ornamental lake

The Urban Entity has undertaken to carry out the following actions:

Short term:

- In the coming months, all the available water quota from the desalination plant will be used to increase the level of the ornamental lake. This will be possible if the additional supply provided by the City Council is maintained to be able to irrigate the Resort with this water contribution.

- Some companies have been found capable of cleaning the lake with different means. One of them has made a firm and closed offer. It would do this by sucking and draining the bottom of the lake to extract all the mud. To carry out the solution proposed by this company, it is necessary to be around one meter deep (75,000 cubic meters) to be able to clean it, although the ideal would be to have a safety margin of an additional 20 centimeters.

- More companies have been contacted with whom the lake has been visited to try to find other alternative solutions. At the moment, one of them would have the means to do so without having to raise the level so much, but we do not have a firm offer and commitment from them.

As some companies and technicians have already indicated, it is not possible to empty it completely, let it dry and clean it, since manual or mechanical means cannot be used to prevent damage to the waterproofing fabric and generate an even greater problem.

Medium term:

- Look for a technician to design a global project for the improvement of the current state and future maintenance of the lake. A roadmap is needed to determine what the ornamental lake needs to be sustainable in the future, how to achieve it, and what annual budget is needed to achieve both goals. Until now, attempts have been made to contact universities and private companies that have only provided individualized proposals (floating islands, new species of fish, ultrasonic emitters, etc...) and not a global solution, which is what is really needed.

- Once the summer is over, negotiations will be held again with farmers and companies in the area to try to get water from their concessions. As they usually reduce their water needs after the summer, there is a possibility that some kind of agreement can be reached.

- In the event of rain, the water that is stored will be transferred to the ornamental lake.

Long term:

- Present the progress and the project at the Ordinary General Meeting so that it can be voted on by the owners, as well as decide on its implementation and financing.

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