
News: Property modifications Protocol

Property modifications Protocol
25 Oct 2019 - Alan Burge
Updated 25-10-2019

There have been recent incidents where local contractors have carried out building works in contravention of the approved building modifications (aesthetics) documentation and protocols.

Owners are reminded that any modifications must have written approval from the administrator in the form of a completed Community approval form. This will ensure that you have approval and the works comply with the agreed documentation and Alhama de Murcia town hall requirements.

We encourage all contractors to follow our approval protocol, but If this is not followed, owners have ultimate responsibility to ensure any work is carried out by their contractors, has the correct approval. If this is not the case, the community will take the necessary action to ensure errors are corrected.

Security have been informed to carry out additional checks on commercial vehicles entering and leaving Condado de Alhama and question the arrival of building materials. Failure to produce an approved Community approval form will result in deliveries being denied access.

Should you wish to make any modifications to your property you should contact the administrators Admiburgos who can advise on the necessary documentation and procedures and what modifications are permitted.

Further information can be found below:-

Modification guidence

Community approval form

Should you have concerns with the response from Administration regarding building modifications you may consult your president, but note that any decision regarding aesthetics remains the responsibility of the administrators who are strictly following the agreement of the owners at the 2019 AGM. No President will agree modifications outside of the existing agreement.

Any requests for modifications outside of the agreement of 2019 will need to be agreed by the aesthetics committee, agreed with the town hall of Alhama (where necessary) and submitted at the 2020 AGM for owners approval. Therefore to complete this in good time any requests should be submitted in full no later than 15th November 2019.

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